Amish Heritage And Village News

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What Do the Amish Do for Fun?

Collage of amish people making quilts, riding their buggies, socially interacting, and canning

Many people think that an Amish lifestyle consists of all work and no play. However, that’s not entirely true — the Amish believe in hard work and resting well! Once all of their daily chores are done, there is time to relax and enjoy some leisure activities. However, compared to most Americans who enjoy getting out of the house to go shopping, to a party, or to a movie, the Amish tend to enjoy activities around their home and farm with their families or neighbors.

With no TV, music, cars, or, iPhones, you might be wondering what the Amish do in their spare time. In this blog, we discuss some of the most popular hobbies and activities that Amish children and adults enjoy.


One of the most popular hobbies among Amish females is quilting. In fact, many grandmothers, mothers, and daughters love to spend time together practicing their craft. This activity also provides a sense of community for Amish women by participating in Quilting Circles —a group of 20-30 women quilting together.

Amish quilts are beautiful works of art, but the artists remain humble to avoid any association with pride. To the Amish, art is considered wasteful, so anything artistic tends to have a functional value instead of merely providing an aesthetic pleasure. Since quilts can be used for a purpose, they are considered a sanctioned channel for creativity. Many quilts are seen as family heirlooms and are passed down throughout generations. Quilts are often made as a means of income for a family, but can also be made as gifts for weddings and births.

For more information on the popular hobby of quilting, read this blog.


Amish families prepare for seasons when their garden is no longer producing food by canning – a process of sealing food in glass jars to preserve it for future use. To most Americans, this sounds more like work than a hobby — but the Amish truly enjoy this task! They are proud of their harvests and enjoy the process of extending the life of their crops throughout the year.

Some of the most popular items canned by the Amish are salsa, soup, fruits, vegetables, and even some meats. A favorite canning item for the Amish is Chow Chow — the perfect solution to preserve bounty from a garden which can be used as a side dish, a condiment, or eaten straight out of the jar. Interested in trying it? Here is a recipe to make your own or feel free to purchase some in our Smokehouse Market!


On a rainy evening, you can often find Amish in the house playing games as a family. They enjoy board games, such as Scrabble, Life on the Farm, and Monopoly or card games, like Uno. However, there is never any gambling involved!

Sports games are also enjoyed by all ages, but they are not played competitively. Amish do not support the idea of competition and pride, but rather community and teamwork. So, team sports, such as softball, volleyball, and basketball are often played.

Outdoor Activities

The Amish have a true appreciation for nature so they especially love outdoor activities, like fishing and hunting, which can also provide food for the families.

Bird-watching is another popular activity that the entire family participates in. In fact, some Amish “splurge” on various optical equipment for this hobby, such as spotting scopes, binoculars, and telescopes. They are even known to keep journals of the various birds they have seen or heard on their outings.

Connecting with Others

Since the Amish feel strongly about their community and honoring God by respecting others, much of their spare time is spent connecting with others. The Amish will often visit with relatives, neighbors, church friends, and even non-Amish friends. In order to stay in touch with friends and relatives that do not live close by, the Amish spend a lot of time writing letters providing family updates, giving farming advices, sharing recipes, etc. This hobby starts young, as many Amish children have pen pals in neighboring communities.

Still interested in learning about the Amish culture and seeing first-hand how they live? Check out our various tour options and plan a trip to The Amish Village — we would love to show you more!